A bolacha mais descrocante :3

A minha foto
Um coração não tem limites. Quando cai e se parte, podíamos ficar sem alguns bocadinhos, que perdidos nunca mais eram achados. Não creio em tal teoria. O coração é grande, e viver é sentir. É bom sentir o sangue ferver na pele, é bom sentir-nos quentes, é bom sentir-nos completos. Quando ele se parte, reconstruímo-lo e acrescentamos um bocadinho, para dar espaço a que mais coisas boas entrem na nossa vida. Tumblr: http://raquelinhac.tumblr.com/

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

I'm in love and always will be ...

I'm stuck to you. I don't know why, or 'till when, i just can't move on cause youre always on my mind pushing me back to you. Sometimes I think that now I don't love you anymore, but then my heart screams out your name. 

Maybe you don't know how can i listen you talking about her, but I do it for you, and for me in a certain way.
I've tried to forget our past together, and i've to be clear on that: I don't know how, but it was possible, I could close all our moments in a box. My heart also. It was the only way i had to not speak to you all summer. 
But now, now, although i'm always restraining my love,  it finds a way to escape from that box, and i'm starting to feel again. 
And it is curious, but i want to feel again, cause it was the love i feel for you that made my life make sense. 

I really don't know what I want or what I feel. But I miss you.

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